10/18/22 School Expansion Committee Update

Discussion started with Mike Schwarz, Nate Reis, and Gary Zander discussing their walk through with Tom Schermerhorn, principal from Excel Engineering of Fond du Lac. This was a no-cost meeting, in which the committee was able to show him our site. We had a ½ hour meeting with him after a tour of our campus. Tom is a WELS member and is on many boards and committees at the synodical level. It was evident in our meeting with Tom that we would need his services moving forward, as there a so many codes and regulations that must be followed when adding to an existing building.  

Next the committee talked about each of the emails that the school expansion committee received from members of the congregation. We discussed each point in every email and noted many good points from the input that was given. Much of the input will also be noted when the designing with the architect. Much discussion was had on the hill (driveway) between church and school. It was noted and agreed upon that the hill is a serious safety liability. In turn, if that is blocked off with a building, can it be cost effective to connect the school entrance in the new addition to the basement in church, providing same-level entrance in the school parking lot, and then having access to the church elevator if needed? Again, this depends on many factors and that is where an architect will help guide discussions, based on cost effectiveness. 

The committee also talked at length again about the future enrollment of our school. In the last 10 years enrollment is up 65%. The forecast for the next years looks to be continued growth. With school growth, comes growth in the congregation. Discussion was had about a site plan for the future based on the growth of our congregation as well. That would be separate from our committee, but the conversation was brought up. 

The committee ended the meeting in agreement that the only way we can move forward is to recommend to the Church Council that we work with Excel Engineering.